Sleepless Nights CD
Here is the first and title song on the new Caffrey Morrison Thompson CD “Sleepless Nights”. It’s a £1 dowload. Free to listen. The album will feature 15 tracks in total. I’m digitally remastering all the songs so I’ll put another track up every few days or so.
Good mastering
Thanks Peter Feltham – means a lot. I’ve been exploring different digital mastering tools and struggling a bit. In fact when I did this one I threw up my hands in despair and figured I’d never get it right. However when I came back a week later it sounded fine. Only 14 more songs to do. My struggles are around the fact that mastering is so much more different, more subtle than tracking and mixing.
Heartily agree. Good mastering engineers are strange creatures. And one thing they seem to do is to rest their bat-ears for a while and return later if they’re wrestling with something, I’ve noticed.
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