Cherry Red
The Steve Thompson Band
Posted on by Steve Thompson
In December 2020 I signed a deal with Cherry Red Records and product started to be released from January 2021. The collections below represent what is out there now as well as proposed releases. Book mark this post as I will update it as new stuff comes out.
Click on the art image for more details and where to buy.

Design: Marco Paone
Almost everything Bullfrog ever recorded.
Release date TBC

Design: Marco Paone
The short lived Bullfrog Mkii
release date TBC
Design: Mark Mylchreest
Release Date: March 4th 2022.
Alvin’s Single intended for release in 1988. Includes the demo.
Strange Times

Photo and Design: Mark Mylchreest
Conceived in lockdown.
Ideas and demos have formed but this one may be a while coming. This one will be dark and edgy
Burning In The Shade

Expanded edition complete with demos CLICK HERE
Release Date: Jue 24 2022
Two albums: The Wreckage % Burning In The Shade + a 3rd CD containing the demos.
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