
Remembering Charlie Crane — 23 Comments

  1. Ahh, the memories coming flooding back. I knew Charlie when he was with The Bumblies, who became the Cryin’ Shames. I remember them recording this song. Good to see him again, he was a really lovely person, sadly missed.

  2. I’m very good friends with his sons and daughter… Just trying to work out which is the 6 year old you’re referring to! Great article…

  3. Nice to hear these comments from everyone. I’m his older son Angus. I think the six year old must have been my brother Tom. He would have been 8 years old then. We were living in Wendens Ambo, just near Saffron Walden at the time.

  4. Hi Angus,
    I don’t want to come across as abrubt or too straight forward. I’m your second cousin – or third cousin – your dad and my dad were first cousins. My dad was Robert Brown, Annie Brown’s (formerly Ann Crane) son. Unfortunately, they’ve both passed away (my nan died in December 1992, and my dad 6 months later, in May 1993, aged 39). My dad was very proud of your dad, and back in the mid-80’s (when I was about 13), we got hold of your dad’s phone number, and I rang him. Although I’d never met him, or would have been a toddler when I did, I was excited to be getting the opportunity to speak to your dad, who was a bit of a legend in my house. I remember the address you mentioned above (Wendens), and I wrote to your dad, and was proud as punch when he replied to me. I was just having a nostalgic moment, and decided to look up “Charlie CraneI”, and come across this website, and when I seen your post, I just thought I’d let you know how proud my dad was of his cousin (your dad),Chalie. And I was too. He sounded like a great man. he was a lovely man to speak to on the phone. Unfortunately, my dad never seen Charlie again – he hadn’t seen him since the early 80’s I think??? But I never had the privilege of meeting your dad either, which was a shame.
    I hope you didn’t mind me contacting you.
    Best Regards,
    David Brown

  5. David, Just to say – you’re commenting on my website and not communicating directly with Angus who also commented. I have moderated your comment so that he wil be able to see it. I think it is a really nice message. I will contact you both separately to put you in touch with each other.

  6. Hi Steve, I’m sorry I went off the point and directed my message to Angus. I didn’t mean to disrespect you or your website. I’m very impressed with your works by the way – the work that you have done, and the people that you have worked with and or wrote for. I’ve reecived your e-mail, and I will reply to you in person.
    Thanks again Steve.

  7. i can only remember him as Leroy Brown in 1975 One woman man of which i thought was some U.S soul singer

  8. Hi Angus and Tom and everyone here.
    I worked with Charlie at ABC Music (Anchor) for about 2 years and got to know him quite well. He and I got along very well as we both loved the same music. He also had a great sense of humour which sometimes got us into trouble, mainly me.
    He knew so many writers and musicians and because of that I got to know some of them quite well. These were great years for me and I had a lot of fun. I always remember his generosity and willingness to get me more involved into the creative side of the business and for that I´ll always be thankful.
    I remember one day he was excited about buying a house and eventually was successful with the bid. He told me that he spread a rumour that the place was haunted! Typical of Charlie. One night, after work, he took me to see the house and meet his wife Kate and Angus (and Tom, I think). This would have been about 1976 or 1977. It was the house with the looooooong pebble driveway which led to the House after passing the stables. Not sure where that was. It was near Saffron Walden but may have been nearer the A10.
    Anyway I just rattled off what I could remember and great to come across this site. Let me know how you all are. All the best, Ron

  9. Grateful to Pete Lynch for bringing me to your blog about Charlie Crane Steve. We both have reason to have fond memories of Charlie. He gave me several songwriting deals with various publishing companies he worked for during the 70s.

    Such was our relationship that he became the voice on many of the records I produced at the time. And my God it was easier to get records released then wasn’t it. They were all productions deals without any acts as such. Nonetheless, we did have modest successes under the name Leroy Brown. “One Woman Man” was a good example. And also The Philadelphia Flyers.

    A great tragedy that he passed away some years ago. We all miss him terribly.

    Good to hear you’re still writing and looks like you’ve moved into the area that I’m in now, film production.
    Good luck to you.

  10. I new Charlie in the seventies and also Ron Liversedge. Charlie was such a nice, genuine chap and so nice to me. He always pops up in my thoughts from time to time. I was with Anchor records and Charlie was responsible for my single , SILVER DREAM. I was very saddened to hear he was no longer with us from Mark Wesley a few years ago.I too stayed at his house and met his wife and two kids.
    He was a very nice bloke indeed and a mentor to me at the time. I likes him very much as most people who met him did.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to say this
    Kindest Regards
    Kevin Kitchen

  11. Sad to hear that Charlie passed away. He gave me my first job in the music business at MCA Music, back in ’84. Fond memories of some good times, he was one of the good guys.

  12. I noticed that Angus made a reply! I have only just discovered this web site! My name was Lynn Jardine God mother of Anna Crane and your dad was my son’s godfadther back in late 70’s! I have lost contact with your Mum Kate can you please put me back in contact with her! She or you can find me on face book under the name if Lynn Smith …Bebington/Wirral! Would love to be back in touch x

  13. Such a talented fella. Please Stay has followed me all throughout my lifSad for the music worldthat Charlie passed. What heights could have reached.

  14. If …I ….Got….On ….My ….Knees….And….I..
    wasnt enough for my 16 year old knees to handle without actually hearing them sung by Charlie & band but from my bf Ann who was lucky enough to attend their concert the previous night in Glasgow 1967 , omg I cried , screamed like a 16 year old would do in those days… I am far from a 16 year old now but how I loved The Cryin Shames! That song as I grew up I knew by heart and sang it every time I got half drunk or half sober when we had a party @ our Glasgow get togethers, when it was my turn to sing! “oh how I knew” & You know I’ll always love you darling”
    Thanks Charlie and band for my beautiful teenage memories of the sixties! Now in OZ but that song is still a party piece 🙏

  15. Was Charlie known as Paul I am confused by some info on wiki I have an autograph of the Cryin Shames simply Paul but I thought they had a drummer called Paul also , can anyone clear this for me ?

  16. I have only just seen on line that Charlie has died so sad.i was friends with him and Kate many years ago when Angus and Anna were tiny tots.i would love to hear from Kate again please pass on my contact details.we were living in Royston then and Kate in barkway.

  17. Maybe Kate will remember I let the children borrow my donkey for the children and got lose late at night in the fog poor Charlie had to drive up the road after him driving over his tether to stop him running home.just cannot remember the large Dulux dots name oh happy days then.

  18. I was one of the original Cryin’ Shames,Phil Roberts, keyboard player.Charlie Gallagher was the original drummer and Charlie Crane used the name Paul to avoid confusion.Charlie and I went to his funeral and paid our respects to his wife but didn’t get into conversation as she was obviously upset.

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