This is probably the first Kelly/Thompson and is largely experimental. Some of the material found it’s way into the Voices Exhibition but others remain unreleased.
Steve Thompson
Lecture In Finland
Revolutionaries In The Cellar
Facebook’s new(ish) feature “on this day” reminded me that 3 years today I posted the picture below under the caption “Plotting revolution in a cellar in Finland”. Indeed we were, hard to identify but the picture I’m clutching is of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin who allegedly had a clandestine meeting in Tampere, Finland where I and my comrades were plotting in a cellar. Actually what we were doing was devising and recording a script for a Machinima (animation) movie. The results were hilarious but we never made the film. Perhaps I’ll post the audio. I shall be heading to Finland again in a few weeks (Helsinki) and I’ll see if I can pay a visit on Tampere. Alas I fear I will not meet up with my fellow revolutionaries as most have moved on (perhaps pursued by the authorities)
The Do Button
Lonely At The Top
I wrote Lonely at The Top for the Tygers of Pan Tang for their 3rd album “The Cage” back in 1982. They were already planning to record my song “Paris By Air” but their chief songwriter, John Sykes had just quit the band and strong songs were in short supply. I went round to their management office which was above a Carpet shop in Whitley Bay and played this song to their manager (My brother Graham actually). Tom Noble may also have been present. All I had was an acoustic guitar so I demonstrated the song with much arm twirling, foot stomping and shouted “kabooms”. They loved it and said “go ahead and make a demo” – which I did, and the song made the album. What I didn’t realise until just now (see pic) was that the song also came out as a single. To be honest in 1982 things went ballistic with my songwriting and I would have had a hard time keeping track of where any of my songs were.

Picture of 7 inch single, Lonely at The Top by teh Tygers of Pan Tang
Lonely At The Top

Another Test
Sorry to bother you with tests but it seems my WordPress postings do get triggered to Google + via the Jeptack sharing plugin. However the title is not included and it seems a somewhat random image from my blog gets posted. What happens if I purposely add an image to this post?
Do My Blogs
Also go to Googe+
Sorry, as you’ve probably guessed, this is yet another test.
Do My Blogs
Also go to Googe+ Sorry, as you’ve probably guessed, this is yet another test.
An Elegant Solution
Why did I ever stop using this? The Scribefire Firefox plugin allows you to write to multiple blogs right from your browser. I used to do this a lot. It seems to have progressed a lot over the years and looks quite sophisticated now. Maybe it even works in Google Chrome too. I shall have to spend some time exploring it.